Hey there! So, you’ve embarked on the epic journey of building a UX-tastic app? Cool! Le’s talk about catalog views and how to make them shine through the e-commerce funnel.
Let’s start with the fact that once users are engaged with the products in your store, they probably want to see more options that fulfill their needs. It’s at this moment when a list of views steps onto the stage, ready to make buyers shop.
Typically, this list view consists of groups of products on the screen with filters to make searching for the ideal product a breeze.
But hey, here’s the challenge: we need to optimize the available space to show the products while providing a functional filtering system. It’s like a puzzle we designers love to solve!
Now, listen up! Depending on your business line and audience, the filtering view in your app will show different interactions. After all, selling flights and selling shoes are two different stories. Some stores require strong visuals to display products, while others prioritize details and available options. But fear not, our ultimate goal remains the same: pushing users into a product detail view like a pro!
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